Science Fiction conventions

  When I was fifteen or sixteen I discovered science fictions conventions. It was a revelation. We loved reading science fiction and fantasy but didn’t realize that there were places where people could go who had similar interests that we did. For a few years I went every year to Boskone, which was the local…

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Shifting Auras and so much more!

Sometimes when I try to explain to friends and co-workers (or my boss!) where my ideas come from I get anything from a raised eyebrow to a polite “that’s interesting” or “I never would have thought of that.” Whether that’s a good or bad thing is unclear. Many of my original ideas come from the…

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Shifting Auras release day!

Hi, all: The day I’ve been waiting for is finally here! For the past two months my first Universe Chronicles book, titled Shifting Auras, has been up for pre-sale. Today it becomes available exclusively on Amazon. I call this my “X-Men paranormal series” and if you like people with powers like telepathy, telekinesis and more, with a…

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RWA, writing and more

Writing is a solitary business. Everyone knows that. It requires someone who can sit down for long stretches at a time (or short ones) and compose words that eventually, hopefully, become stories. Most writers I know spend a fair amount of time on their craft, whatever type of writer they are. Generally we are alone…

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Days go by

Today we’re officially halfway through the year. Six months have passed and there are six months to go. Over the last week many of us have been exclaiming how it seems unbelievable that half a year has already passed and “how can we be here already?” We had the same conversation last year. And the…

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Writing update

I wanted to share some good news on my writing front over the past two weeks. Transmundane Press, who I had the pleasure of working with before in their mammoth “After the Happily Ever After” anthology, has picked up my odd tale called “The Only One Alive” for their Transcendent anthology. Release date is TBA,…

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Of trademarks and others

I became interested in the whole “cocky” fiasco as soon as I became aware of it. I followed the hashtag to the fast-moving Twitter thread #cockygate and have kept track of the whole mess mostly through that hashtag. As a writer I am alarmed on many levels. That this, and other words, which are in…

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Who knew I'd be interested in the royal wedding?

I don’t write books about royals. These days the only contemporary stories I write are my sweet novellas for Roane Publishing. So it came as a surprise to me that I got swept up in Harry and Meghan fever. I didn’t expect it. At first I noticed it in passing as Harry and Meghan became…

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What's in a name?

Recently there has been a lot of activity around an author’s (for the moment) successful attempt to trademark a common word in romance fiction. The word—cocky—is used in many romances to denote a type of brash, arrogant hero who has the world by the tail and knows it. It’s not my preferred type of romance…

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California traffic

Saturday Night Live used to have a sketch called “The Californians” where the people interacted by sharing their various routes to get either to where they currently were or where they needed to go. Guess what? That actually happens. From where I live to where I work is twelve miles. It usually takes me an…

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