Archive for October 2015
Website & Writing News
Welcome to my new, redesigned website! We hope that the new design will create a better interactive experience for everyone. There have been many sensational things happening over the last few months, and there is much more to come. I have been writing short stories for the last year and several have been accepted for…
Read MoreThe watercooler, or why I started watching Dancing with the Stars again
I’m watching “Dancing with the Stars” this cycle. This may not seem like news, but I had decided a few cycles ago that I was done with the show. It seemed to me the same pros always won. I stopped watching but my co-workers did not. For the past few cycles I have been out…
Read MoreWhat happens when you fulfill your dream?
From the time I was a teenager I wanted to be a writer. When I was in my early 20s I dreamed of being signed to Harlequin, and thought that was something that would automatically happen. When reality slapped me in the face with rejections, I stopped trying. Until two and a half years ago…
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