Shifting Auras release day!

Hi, all: The day I’ve been waiting for is finally here! For the past two months my first Universe Chronicles book, titled Shifting Auras, has been up for pre-sale. Today it becomes available exclusively on Amazon. I call this my “X-Men paranormal series” and if you like people with powers like telepathy, telekinesis and more, with a…

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RWA, writing and more

Writing is a solitary business. Everyone knows that. It requires someone who can sit down for long stretches at a time (or short ones) and compose words that eventually, hopefully, become stories. Most writers I know spend a fair amount of time on their craft, whatever type of writer they are. Generally we are alone…

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Days go by

Today we’re officially halfway through the year. Six months have passed and there are six months to go. Over the last week many of us have been exclaiming how it seems unbelievable that half a year has already passed and “how can we be here already?” We had the same conversation last year. And the…

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