Happy holidays!

It’s Christmas in the dawning hours in Los Angeles. Anyone who has known me a while knows that I’m an early riser. Today was no exception, except the clock’s first digit was six instead of five. One of the things I do most mornings is walk. At the hour I walk in the day has…

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Blog tour starts today!

Hi, all: I have a week long blog tour starting today that spotlights the second Elementals’ Challenge book Air Attack. If any of you want to check it (and me) out, the tour schedule is below. Happy reading! December 18 Authors’ Secrets (Interview) http://www.tenastetler.com/category/authors-secrets-blog/ December 18 Shh, I am Reading https://shhiamreading.weebly.com December 18 Simply Kelina http://simplykelina.blogspot.com/ December…

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There can be only one

When I get interested in something I tend to get a little, hmm, obsessive about that thing. Whether it’s a band or a cause or a TV show, or whatever, if I get attracted to that thing I will go all in—for a while. It’s been part of who I am for as long as…

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Fun with science fiction conventions

I went to my first science fiction convention when I was fifteen years old. There was a bookstore in the outskirts of Harvard Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts called “The Science Fantasy Bookstore” that my brother and I discovered and it was the proprietor of that store, a gentleman by the name of “Spike” who recommended…

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Computer drive failure

Anyone who read my newsletter knows my old computer died. As in one day it was running slow and the next minute I had a scary error about not being able to boot up or something…it was dead. No longer pining for the fjords, it had joined the choir and vestibule (ten points for anyone…

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Air Attack release!

Tomorrow is the big day. It’s the official release day for Air Attack, the second in the Elementals’ Challenge series. To say I’m excited would be an understatement. A little about the series and the trip it’s been on. When I started writing the story that eventually became Fire Danger ten years ago I had…

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Promos ending and a book release

Hi, all! In case you were still wanting to get some free books (including my own No Ordinary Fairy) I wanted to let you know that the Mandy Roth Big Bundle of Books promotion ends tomorrow night. You can go and browse here: https://books.bookfunnel.com/romancebooks Also, the Romance Studio is currently running a Spooky party and…

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There Can Be Only One

At the end of this week I am going to a Highlander: the Series convention. Not only that but I’m taking two days off of work so I can properly enjoy the experience. I have the time, and I have the money and there’s no reason not to do it. When I mentioned that I…

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Dark Luminous Wings available for preorder!

Hi All! I’m excited to tell you that Pre-Orders for Dark, Luminous Wings are live on Amazon and Kobo. Currently the pre-order price is $2.99. That will go up to $4.99 after OCTOBER 20. If you would like to order it, here’s the Amazon Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075PZP6QL/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1505771955&sr=8-2 Note that you won’t see me on the top page…

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