Upcoming story news
Hello everyone! I’ve been quiet for a while but I wanted to bring you up to speed on my latest writing news! Lots of fantastic things happening. First of all, the first published short story in my anticipated SFR universe was just released by Cheapjack Pulp in their September 2016 issue. Fans may recognize their…
Read MoreEskieMamaReads review of Fire Danger
Check out this terrific review of Fire Danger from blogger EskieMamaReads! What a lovely way to wake up on a Sunday!
Read MoreRecent Guest Posts
I’ve got a guest blog over at Roane Publishing and an excerpt of Fire Danger at Eskiemamareads. Check them out! Roane Publishing blog about paranormals: Eskiemamareads excerpt:
Read MoreSome blogs to check out
Hi, everyone! RockStarLit (the PR firm that Samhain uses) has set up some cool guest blogs for me to promote Fire Danger. Come check them out! This Fresh Fiction one generated a lot of comments. I have some writing to do based on the interest level shown here. How exciting! And here is one…
Read MoreFire Danger Review
Hi, all: I wanted to share this lovely four star review from Romance Between The Sheets. Below is a link. Happy reading!
Read MoreMasked Hearts purchase links
Hi, everyone: With the exciting news that the Roane Publishing “Masked Hearts” anthology that includes my novella “Water Woman” has been released, I wanted to share the purchase links for anyone interested in buying a copy. There are several options, so it is your choice. Thanks for your interest! Claire Roane Publishing: Amazon:…
Read MoreFire Danger
In a little over a month my full length novel Fire Danger will be released by Samhain Publishing. It is currently available for preorder on Amazon (ebook only) and will be available for pre-sale on Samhain’s site beginning May 22nd in ebook and trade paperback. It’s a bittersweet milestone for me. My entire five book…
Read MoreWhat I learned from Romantic Times
Recently I embarked on an adventure—I attended my first Romantic Times convention by myself. My friend was going to go but she had to back out. I forged ahead, despite the idea of traveling solo. I took quick advantage of the agent and editor pitch meetings I could sign up for, and arranged my travel…
Read MoreExistential angst…or how do you keep going when nothing is going your way?
Lately it seems as if I can’t do anything right. At any given time I have ten or more stories out for submission to various calls and all I am getting back are rejections. Even stories that made the short list other places are getting summarily rejected. Depending on what happens with my publisher I…
Read MoreMasked Hearts cover reveal!
Hi, all: I am thrilled to be taking part in a sweet fantasy romance anthology called “Masked Hearts” scheduled for release on May 23rd, 2016 by Roane Publishing. Today we are permitted to do the cover reveal, which is the basis for the stories each one of us wrote. The premise was that Roane provided the…
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