It’s raining in Los Angeles
It’s Sunday and it’s raining. That may not seem that odd to most of the country, but I live in Los Angeles, the land of perpetual sunshine. But when it rains…man it pours. Right now my backyard looks like a small lake, which always happens in heavy rains. It got me to thinking about weather…
Read MoreMy backstory, your backstory, everyone has a backstory
I’ve been going to the same hairdresser for thirty years. It’s one of those relationships that has stood the test of time, in its way, through many ups and downs. She has always been a constant and although there were times when I wasn’t sure I wanted to continue with her, I stayed. Now I…
Read MoreAdventures in short stories
Here we are in the New Year, and for blog #2 (check me out sticking to my New Year’s resolutions) I’m going to talk a little bit about short stories. For anyone visiting my website you will see a great many short story selections on that tab. That is a moving target. I placed a…
Read More2017 and a recap of 2016
Hello and welcome to my first blog of 2017. I hope everyone had a nice New Years and have so far stuck to their resolutions. Blogging more is one of mine, so here goes! 2016 was a remarkable year for me. It saw the release of my full-length novel Fire Danger, the first in my…
Read MoreGreat news-second Elementals' Challenge book!
Hi, all: I am very pleased to let you all know that the second in the Elementals’ Challenge series, currently titled Air Attack, has been accepted for publication by Samhain Publishing. The release date is TBA at the moment, but I’m hoping for a second quarter 2017 release. I will keep everyone posted when I get more…
Read MoreGuest Blog about Fairy Tales on Transmundane Press
I’ve got a cool guest blog on Transmundane Press’ site discussing the origins of fairy tales. It is in part due to their upcoming After the Happily Ever After anthology coming out in December. I have a story called “Pea Soup” in the anthology which speculates what happens next (and during) The Princess and the…
Read MoreAfter The Happily Ever After update and cover reveal
Hi, all! I am thrilled to be a part of Transmundane Press’ After The Happily Ever After anthology which tells what happens after the fairy tale. My story “Pea Soup” tells the tale of the Princess and the Pea from the princess’ point of view as she settles into her new life…and may not be…
Read MoreUpdated short story news!
Hi, all: I wanted to update you on the latest good news with my short stories. I had two accepted recently, both mythological fantasy. I love writing updated takes on gods and other beings! Look for them soon. As a reminder, my SFR short story “Runaway” is currently available to be read for free on…
Read MoreRoane Publishing Scavenger Hunt starts September 19th. Details in the post!
Hi, Everyone! Starting on the 19th my wonderful publisher Roane Publishing is having a scavenger hunt that I am participating in. The full post is below. I hope that you guys join the fun and jump from the participants to collect all the numbers and have fun and books along the way. As an added…
Read MoreSamhain Takeover Tomorrow from 9-10 AM Pacific Time
Hi, all! Exciting news! Tomorrow, September 13th, I am participating in a Twitter takeover of Samhain Publishing called #Samhaintakeover. It will run from 9-10 AM Pacific time, or 12-1 PM Eastern time. I have questions to answer but I welcome any and all other questions that you may want to throw my way. My twitter…
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