Storybook Pub 2 – upcoming release!
I’m excited for you all to read my Storybook Pub 2 story Make it Right where our hero Lincoln gets an unusual second chance to fix things with Nyla, the woman he loves—courtesy of the Storybook Pub! Pre-Order Storybook Pub 2 now from your preferred book store: com/SP2 Check out the complete Storybook Pub series…
Read MoreA new year – a new beginning
Sometimes when I look back at this time last year I can’t believe what has happened. If you would have told me that I would not be driving the 12 ½ mile commute every day —that in fact I only use my car for errands and necessary outings, I would never have believed you. Commuting…
Read MoreYear End 2020
This is from my December newsletter. Here’s to a good 2021! The year in review – a year like no other I can honestly say that when I contemplated 2020 from this chair at this time last year, I could never have pictured what the year would be like. I was recently promoted, and…
Read MoreBlog Tour – Reprise – contemporary romance
Hi, All: On November 16th my first full-length contemporary romance in years will be released by the Wild Rose Press. I am so excited! A blog tour to support the release started on the 9th and here are all the blogs you can visit over the next month. Please stop by and comment. I would…
Read MoreHobbies in the time of pandemic
It has been almost seven months since my company switched to working from home. Many things have changed since March—a month that now feels like it is from another era. The day job continues, and we are working harder than ever within the confines of our own homes. I don’t miss the two hours I…
Read MoreThe more things change…
This month marks the sixth month that my company has been working from home. It’s still hard to believe how much the world has changed since that March 13th (a Friday) when we took our laptops home to test working from home. That weekend HR informed us that someone in our building had tested positive…
Read MoreUniverse Chronicles/Storming Time Blog Tour begins August 29th@
Hi, all! This Saturday, August 29th, I am kicking off a month-long blog tour through Silver Dagger Tours to support the release of the third Universe Chronicles book Storming Time. I hope you will have the time to stop by and say hi on at least one of the days through the tour. There will…
Read MoreStorming Time now available!
Hi, all: I am thrilled that the third book in my Universe Chronicles series—called Storming Time—has been released by Soul Mate press. This time it is our weather talent, Zared Hersh, who has his turn at love. Here is the Amazon listing: Starting on August 28th I will be doing a month-long blog tour.…
Read MoreNew Universe Chronicles writing news!
Hi, all: I wanted to let you know about some exciting release information. On August 19th the third book in my Universe Chronicles series—called Storming Time—will be released by Soul Mate press. This time it is our weather talent, Zared Hersh, who has his turn at love. Blurb is below: Rescuing compromised Universe agents is…
Read MoreLife and writing in the time of pandemic
Hello, everyone! I have not blogged on my website for a long time, and I apologize for that. It, like many things, has taken a back seat during these unusual times. But I’m back and I hope to stay that way! When I left my office on March 13th (appropriately, a Friday) I had my…
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