The headline reads: Bonnie and Clyde rob the Oscars

I work at a Hollywood studio. Last night was the night in which the industry celebrates its own with great pomp and circumstance, shutting traffic down for miles around the venue. I’m referring, of course, to the Oscars. Many hope to get nominated, few are and fewer still win.

That’s what makes last night’s fiasco even more poignant. From the wrong envelope being brought out to Warren Beatty’s hesitation to the excited “winner” running up there to begin his speech, only to be told there had been a mix-up. How crushing for all of them and what a surreal moment for the movie “Moonlight,” the actual winner. Rather than people discussing the win today the public is discussing the moment.

I’m trying to imagine what that would be like. As a creative person of course I want to get accolades for a job well done. Of course I do. Why else would I submit my novels to contests and award consideration? I want to be told I’m good. I imagine being up there thinking my novel had won only to be told there had been confusion and it was actually someone else. What a moment! The producers of “La La Land” were gracious but I can only imagine their hearts must have been sinking. I know mine would have been. Not because “Moonlight” didn’t deserve it but because “La La Land” had been called as Best Picture, this accolade given, and then because of an inadvertent switch, it was taken away. It’s like grabbing that brass ring only to have it snatched out of your hands by the person who actually held it in their hands before you.

And I am waiting for the headline I put in my title. You know it’s coming. I couldn’t have written a more perfect set-up if I had tried. A couple who had as one of their great works a movie about two legendary robbers is now at the center of one of the biggest “robberies” in Hollywood legend. It will be added to their body of work, not for the right reasons, but because that’s the way it goes in this town. It’s almost too good. If I had written it in a novel the reader would likely have rolled their eyes and highlighted it. Sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction.

In the meantime, both movies are unlikely to be forgotten any time soon. Maybe that’s the win for each.

Claire Davon

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